Sunday, May 15, 2011

approve je.....

bila ada member baru add kat fb.bkk tgk
profile pic gan bf (in relationship with) - approve
profile pic muka senyum lebaq (engaged with) - approve
profile pic pakai baju merelip (married with) - approve
profile pic gambaq budak..... ~ok selamat hari ibu~ -approve

n tgk profile pic sendiri.... tgk  status sendiri.... erk..... no comment.....
nampak sangat dh..... malu ak nk p jumpa kawan sekolah dlu..... dh la suma lawa2..... dh keja.... dh ada keta la segala.... hadoi.... ak nih belajaq tak abes2 lagi..... 
dh ada tunang.... dh kawen.... dh ada anak....... ak??? just got rejected..... BAM!!!!.... head down to the ground.....